Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi masa kini, PPNI mengembangkan pengelolaan data anggota dengan sistem informasi PKB Online yang bisa diakses oleh seluruh anggota melalui
Buku ini akan membahas mengenai proses rekayasa perangkat lunak dari ujung ke ujung
Didalam buku ini berisi uraian disertai gambar - gambar pendukung, sehingga membuat setiap bahasan menajdi semakin menarik untuk dipelajari
Software and hardware cannot be considered independently today
Many people use computers for everyday tasks as electronic bangking or writing a term paper
The main objective of the study of the mechanics of materials is to provide the future engineer with the means of analyzing and designing various machines and load - bearing structures
The basic objective of this new edition remains the same as in the previous editions.
Signals & Systems is fundamentals to the study of the many fields that constitute the ever -expanding discipline of elektrical engineering