Bagi orang yang berhasrat membahsakan pikiran atau perasaannya dengan tepat cermat atau elok santun, kamus ini merupakan tambang emas kata yang diperlukan.
This free and open website offers students useful exercises, interactive learning tools, assesment, and review materials.
Wireless Communicatons present the most comprehensive coverage of this field which, in only a decade, has grown from a niche market into one of the most important industries.
Objective-Chas become the standard programming language for application developmenton the Mac OS X and iPhone platforms.
Written exclusively from a broadcater's perspective, Mobile Broadcasting with WiMAX will help you move ahead whether you are an engineer, content provider, manager or operator and planning such services.
Kamus ini merupakan kamus praktis untuk kegiatan belajar mengajar bahasa mandarin sehari-hari .
Setelah mengalami proses revisi yang sangat panjang dan tuntas , penambahan entri, dan penyesuaian dengan ejaan bahasa indonesia yang disempurnakan , Akhirnya edisi ketiga Kamus Indonesia Inggris berhasil diterbitkan.
''This dictionari will impress many with is simple and clear definitions, ita entirely redone illustrations, and its fascinating Word Histori and Regional notes, [but] it is its approach to usage that gives its more than 2,000 pages their special character.''
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is a modern discipline built around engineering techniques that enjoy widespread application in today's world.