Understand protocol enhancements to secure routers from attack.
''The Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering has been some time in the making, but is well worth the wait. The contents are well chosen, comprehensive and expanded upon with authority by a leading group of writers, each a major specialist in their specific disciplines.
The IT Manager's Hanbook, 2nd Edition is a must-read for new IT leaders. The Technology industry changes so rapidly that this edition will even be helpful to veteran IT leaders.
This Book leads the way in providing in depth converage of tools and techniquea for the performance evaluation of TCP/IP networks.
The important new contribution to the field is written in a language and style that engineers and managers alike can understand and easily apply.
Updated coverage of gigabit ethernet and 10-Gbps ethernet, including new standards.
Fully Illustrated with UML diagrams.
This book is about the structure and function of computers. Its purpose is to present, as clearly and completely as posible, the nature and characteristics of modern-day computer systems.
The last decade has witnessed a rapid surge of interest in new sensing and monitoring devices for healthcare
Computer Networks, fourth edition, is the ideal introduction to today's networks-and tomorow,s.