The book interprets and simplifies the current thinking of the world's leading safety management experts.
Students can access multimedia learning tools and benefit from unlimited practive via algorithmic problems.
This handy, no-frills manual provides complete coverage of industrial piping practices and maintenance from a 35- year industry veteran- all in one volume. It is designed to be kept at the ready for hands-on use on shop floors and in the field. Whether you're an egineer, manager, fitter, mechanic, or plumber, you will find this an enormously helpful and easy to use on the job reference and guid…
The second edition of Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer present a balanced coverage of thermodynamics and heat transfer packaged in a manner suitable for use in introductory thermal science courses.
Using a hand -on approach, the fourt edition of Manufacturing Facilities Design and Material Handling connects theoretical concepts of plant layout and design to real-life experiences students will face in the field
Buku ini dirancang bagi para mahasiswa yang belajar untuk berbicara dengan pasien, melakukan pemeriksaan fisik dan menerapkan dasar pemikiran klinis untuk memahami dan menilai masalah pasien