Principles of Refrigeration provides comprehensive coverage of refrigeration theory, components, and systems analysis and design.
Thia text features step-by-step instructions that walk pipe designers, drafters, and engineering design graphics and engineering technology students throught the creation of piping arrangement.
Dedicated to Laurence J. Collins, General Electric Company, retired. Larry Collins First assigned me to gear research and development work,
Buku ini mencakup beberapa teori atau model yang melandasi asuhan keperawatan maternitas
Dalam buku ini diuraikan pengertian ketiga istilah tersebut disertai dengan gambaran gejala - gejala yang dikeluhkan oleh pasien
Research into the manufacture of lightweight automobiles is driven by the need to reduce fuel consumption.
Repair and Maintenance cost estimation
Modern trends in various disciplines of NDE.
Buku ini dapat digunakan oleh peserta didik keperawatan dan perawat di berbagai jenjang profesi keperawatan : Manajerial,pendidikan,pelayanan di rumah sakit dan komunitas